MULTI Spring Kickoff!! 1/17 6:30pm

Harvard Summer Program in Greece – Data Science

HARVARD SUMMER PROGRAM IN GREECE – DATA SCIENCE NAFPLIO & CRETE 3 JUNE – 26 JULY 2019 If you are planning to pursue academic study abroad this summer, we invite you to consider the Harvard Summer Program in Nafplio and Crete (Greece) – Data Science, 2019, under the title “Introduction to […]
2019 ORISE Summer Research Internship

2019 U.S. Air Force Research Lab – Repperger Research Internship Program Location: Dayton, OH & San Antonio, TXDates: June 3 – August 0, 2019Application Deadline: January 21, 2019Repperger Information URL:*Please review the Project Catalog. With a single application, applicants can select their top five of 34 available research topics. Open to BS-PhD candidates. U.S. […]
National Broadcasters – Tech Apprenticeship

The National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation’s Technology Apprenticeship Program is open to students pursuing a degree in computer science and communication studies / media arts / computer engineering. The program exposes graduating college seniors with a strong interest in media technology to the broadcasting industry. Students pursuing a degree in computer science and communication […]
Massachusetts Healthcare Payment Transparency Challenge

We are now proud to announce that we have officially launched the Massachusetts Healthcare Payment Transparency Challenge. Earlier this year, CHIA publicly released a dataset containing an unprecedented amount of data on the cost of medical procedures in the Commonwealth. Through the Challenge, CHIA and MeHI hope participants can use this data in innovative ways […]