What is the Grand Hack?
MIT Hacking Medicine’s Grand Hack allows you to tackle healthcare’s toughest pain points alongside healthcare professionals, designers, engineers, and entrepreneurs over the course of a weekend. Participants of any background with a passion for healthcare are welcome! With 400+ participants and multiple healthcare areas of focus, there’s a challenge for everyone.
Where is the Grand Hack?
April 17th-19th, at the MIT Media Lab, in Cambridge, MA.
How Can I Participate?
Apply here (https://bit.ly/2vfRx58) and forward to your friends & colleagues! (Applications deadline: April 8th at 11:59amEST) Applications will be reviewed and accepted on a rolling basis, so apply now!
Wait, What Even is a Hackathon?
Never been to a healthcare hackathon? Check out this video (https://bit.ly/39mhmiA) to learn more!
Wait, What Even is MIT Hacking Medicine?
Learn more about MIT Hacking Medicine and our healthcare specific hackathon model with this video! (https://bit.ly/2SyX3Yn)
More details and FAQ here (https://bit.ly/38hFrag) Questions: grandhack@mit.edu
Follow us! #GrandHack